Welcome to INTS
The INTS is a body of scientists and clinicians who aim to further brain and spinal cord injury research and to improve care for patients with these diseases. Its purpose is to foster the worldwide dissemination of Neurotrauma research and to supervise International Neurotrauma symposia throughout the world whilst preserving as best as possible, parity between brain and spinal cord injury research, global representation, gender balance and emphasis on both basic science and clinical research.
We aim to host symposium meetings at different locations across the continents every two years. To do so, the INTS Board authorizes a local host for each meeting and assists the local host’s organizing committee through its International Scientific Advisory Board.
History + Mission

The INTS Board and local organizers work together to disseminate the highest quality neurotrauma research, bringing together leading researchers in neurotrauma, preclinical and clinical, brain and spine, to present cutting-edge research, develop strategies, and build collaborative networks across the globe.
Leadership Team

The International Scientific Advisory Board comprises twenty-four delegates representing clinicians and basic scientists from the different geographical regions of its membership. Representatives are appointed for two years following the election at INTS symposia.
Symposium Bids

Expressions of interest for future meetings are always welcome at any time. Bids are assessed by the INTS committee and are decided 3-4 years before the proposed meeting. Formal Symposia are held every two years, intending to rotate the meetings through the continents where possible.