Future Symposium Bids

Symposium Bid Guidelines

Factors + Expectations

There are a number of factors and expectations that the International Neurotrauma Society Board take into account when considering bids to host the International Neurotrauma Symposia. These expectations are summarised below. When submitting a bid to host an International Neurotrauma Symposium, potential hosts should understand these expectations and where relevant, address them in the bid submission. Click each arrow below for detailed information.


The International Neurotrauma Symposia are held every two years and bids will be called 3 years in advance during the first quarter of that bidding year. The winning bid will be decided by the end of the bidding year and publicly announced at the next symposium.

Bids will only be accepted from a Local Organising Committee made up of scientists and clinicians working in the field of neurotrauma. While bids are accepted from any geographical region in the world, preference will normally be given to regions where a symposium has not been recently hosted.


The Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee is expected to be a member in good standing of the International Neurotrauma Society and to have regularly participated in International Neurotrauma Symposia. If selected as the successful bidder, the Chairperson must be willing to serve on the International Neurotrauma Society Board for a 2-year period leading up to the symposium which they will be organising.

Proposed members of the Local Organising Committee are expected to be active researchers and/or clinicians in the field of neurotrauma.


The host city is expected to be easily accessible to international visitors, preferably by air, and to have a convention centre, hotel or other suitable space with appropriate technology that can potentially host a symposium of the International Neurotrauma Society.

Accommodation, restaurants and cafes ranging from deluxe to budget should be within easy commute to the symposium venue, and preferably within walking distance.

Safe and reliable public transport should be easily accessible and readily available.


Insofar as the International Neurotrauma Society may have retained the services of a Professional Conference Organiser, the Local Organising Committee will be required to engage with said Professional Conference Organiser to manage the symposium, including delegate registrations, abstract submissions and publication, delegate accommodation, venue bookings, program management, marketing, sponsorship, exhibition and related services.

In the absence of a Professional Conference Organiser retained by the International Neurotrauma Society, the Local Organising Committee will identify an appropriately experienced Professional Conference Organiser who will provide these services.


The Local Organising Committee, with advice from the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Neurotrauma Society, will be responsible for developing the scientific program. The selection of speakers for the Symposium should aim for parity with respect to gender, geography, basic science versus clinical science, as well as brain and spinal cord injury.

The International Neurotrauma Society Board will be required to approve the final program.


The Local Organising Committee will be responsible for developing a social program for the event. This includes planning receptions, networking events and formal dinners. Additionally, the bid should discuss opportunities for attendees to explore the host city and popular tourist attractions.

The International Neurotrauma Society Board will be required to approve the final social program.


The initial budget and planning for the meeting should account for travel awards for students as well as individuals attending from developing countries. An outline of the number of awards, the amount for each award, and guidelines for selecting award winners should be included.

The International Neurotrauma Society Board will be required to approve the final awards budget.


The expectation is that any surplus remaining after hosting the International Neurotrauma Symposium will be returned within 12 months of the close of the symposium to the International Neurotrauma Society. Accounts maintained by the Local Organising Committee and/or the Professional Conference Organiser to facilitate the management of the Symposium will be made available to the Treasurer of the International Neurotrauma Society upon request.

The Local Organising Committee shall indemnify and hold the International Neurotrauma Society harmless against any claims, damages, losses and/or expenses resulting from the holding of the International Neurotrauma Symposium.


Use of the Name “International Neurotrauma Society” and “International Neurotrauma Symposium” will be limited by Licence granted to the Local Organising Committee for the period up to and including the symposium. A Licence agreement outlining the conditions in detail will be signed by the Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee and the President of the International Neurotrauma Society.

How to Submit your Bid

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